New release of Firebird driver for Python V1.10.5 is available for download with a few changes : Unregistered bug: DECFLOAT ARRAYs do not work. The post New release of Firebird driver for Python V1.10.5 is available  appeared first on Firebird News.
You can join to the Telegram chat for discussion. New version of Red Expert 2024.07 is available. Improved: Application interface Default themes (light and dark) Application toolbar Application menu Query Editor toolbar Query Editor popup menu...
Thank you for your valuable feedback! I've received numerous emails with suggestions, questions, and descriptions of issues that Firebird users are encountering. I'll be addressing these in a video meeting in the beginning of August...
Flamerobin 0.9.11 Snapshot released with a few features and fixes . The post Flamerobin 0.9.11 Snapshot released with a few features and fixes . appeared first on Firebird News.
We have thoroughly worked on the RED Expert user interface to make it more convenient for you. You can try out the application using the link below. Link: redexpert Please give us...
As president of the Firebird Foundation, I'm reaching out to tap into the wealth of experience and knowledge within our user base. We're constantly striving to improve Firebird, and your feedback is crucial in guiding our...
C# 13 : Découvrez les dernières fonctionnalités en avant-première, dont l'amélioration de la collection params et la résolution des surcharges, ainsi que l'ajout des propriétés partiellesVoici l'état actuel de ce que vous pouvez essayer dans C# 13,...
Node-firebird-driver-native version 3.2.0 has been released with a few build  fixes. The post Node-firebird-driver-native version 3.2.0 has been released with a few build fixes. appeared first on Firebird News.
Plongez dans le développement Windows natif dans Microsoft Visual Studio grâce à la nouvelle charge de travail WinUI et aux améliorations apportées aux modèles, par Duncan MacMichael, chef de produit WinUI Lors de la conférence Build 2024, l'équipe...
April-June 2024 was pretyy intensive period: read the digest of news and events!
Firebird 5.0.0 for Intel QNAP NAS can be downloaded via the follow link The post Firebird 5.0.0 for QNAP NAS appeared first on Firebird News.
LINQPad, le terrain de jeu des développeurs .NET : interroger interactivement les bases de données SQL, tester instantanément du code C#/F#/VB et écrire interactivement du code sans IDE. Présentation de LINQPad, un terrain de jeu pour les...
EmberWings is a quarterly PDF magazine about Firebird published by IBPhoenix. Beyond technical articles, instructions and tips, it contains interviews with noteworthy individuals, an overview of Firebird’s development, information from the...
This article concludes our comprehensive overview of Firebird 5 features, with a focus on a groundbreaking addition: the SQL Profiler. This new tool significantly simplifies the process of identifying performance bottlenecks in complex...
We are happy to announce the release of Jaybird 5.0.5. The following has been fixed since Jaybird 5.0.4: Fixed: FBResultSetMetaData.getPrecision would always estimate the precision of NUMERIC or DECIMAL columns instead of obtaining the actual...
We are happy to announce the release of Jaybird 5.0.5.
new minor release of Jaybird
In order to make Firebird installation on Linux flawless and fast, we continue the effort to provide one-step Firebird installation scripts for all popular Linux distrinutions - now for Rocky Linux 8 and 9.
Microsoft présente la nouvelle version de l'explorateur de ressources de Visual Studio, qui permet aux développeurs de gérer plus facilement et plus rapidement les ressources dans leurs applications .NETAvec la récente refonte de l'explorateur de...
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